General information about bankruptcy is available online, and some people prefer to do preliminary research before making their first contact with a lawyer. However, in bankruptcy, what happens depends on the circumstances of the individual debtor. Also, to some extent, issues are handled differently depending on which judge or which trustee is assigned. Thus, it is not the case that “one size fits all”. Local knowledge and expertise is important to get the best result in your case. Read more “Starting the Process of Filing for Bankruptcy”
What Happens to Tax Refunds in Bankruptcy?
A tax refund is money that the government owes you because you paid in more (usually withheld from your pay) than what you owe in taxes. Since someone else owes you money, a tax refund is an “asset” like your bank account or your car, and it must be disclosed in the bankruptcy petition. Read more “What Happens to Tax Refunds in Bankruptcy?”